Local Culture (3501MO3025/2019)
The objective of the Local Culture Course is to facilitate a linguistic and cultural exchange between students of different countries and promote a closer and more realistic approach to the complexity, subtlety and richness of the intercultural communication.
Computer Aided Diagnosis (3501MO3023/2019)
The aim of this course is to introduce all the steps needed to develop a CADx medical system, i.e. a system that help physicians to deliver a diagnosis. The topics cover both the traditional scheme including independent image segmentation, characterisation, and classification approaches as well as the recent groundbreaking deep learning technology.
Medical Image Segmentation and Applications (3501MO3021/2019)
The aim of this course is to introduce all the steps needed to develop a CADe medical system. The main focus will be on the analysis of different techniques to perform medical image segmentation tasks.